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MUST READ: 15 Questions for Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Before They Completely Annihilate the US Economy

We now know that it was Dr. Tony Fauci  and Dr. Deborah Birx who persuaded President Trump to kill the economy and force Americans into a lockdown… And we also know they did this based on wildly inaccurate models and predictions.

Back in March the two doctors went into the Oval Office and urged President Trump to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die.

Of course, their original mortality predictions were 33 times what has occurred and yet they have not altered their lockdown recommendations to date.

In interviews to date the two doctors have been given softball questions.  Their expertise is respected despite the fact that over 30 million Americans have lost their jobs and livelihoods thanks to these doctors and their faulty models.

If Americans are asked to give up their livelihoods and their businesses, it is only fair that these two doctors answer a few important questions. 
We list 15 questions below:

1.)  Did you believe WHO Director Tedros when he claimed the coronavirus mortality rate was 3.4% on March 3rd?  Do you believe it was appropriate for him to compare this mortality rate with that of the flu which has an estimated mortality rate of 0.1%?  Did you know at the time that the comparison was completely inaccurate?  Did you know the flu mortality rate includes millions of Americans who have had the flu but are not tested?  Why did you not highlight this error in the WHO’s reporting?

2.) How many more children and young adults die from the flu than coronavirus?

3.) What is the average age of coronavirus deaths in the US?  In Italy the average age of deceased victims was 81-years-old.  Is that what we are seeing in the US?  Why are you hiding this from the American public?

4.) How many of the US fatalities were in nursing homes?  What percentage of US coronavirus victims were living in nursing homes or assisted living?

5.)  When did you learn that children are not carriers of the disease? What percent of victims are under 20-years-old?

6.) Now that we know MILLIONS of Americans have had the virus and were asympotmatic why would you not reevaluate your original lockdown orders?

7.) Does it make sense to lock down and decimate the economy because your initial predictions were completely inaccurate?

8.) Why do you keep moving the goalposts? …From “flattening the curve” to “herd immunity” to “we must have a vaccine”?

9.) Why do you recommend closing schools and playgrounds when children have almost zero fatality risk from the China coronavirus?

10.) Why do you recommend shutting down outdoor activities like surfing, golfing and hiking when there is almost no chance of passing the coronavirus doing these activities?

11.) Why are you not telling us what the real mortality rate is for the China coronavirus?  Is this because this will show your absolute errors in predicting this outbreak?

12.) Why do you think the entire country should be shut down when more than 50% of China coronavirus deaths are in the New York City area?
 13.) Some believe it is a federal crime to intimidate or coerce the population  under domestic terrorism laws.  Do you believe your miscalculations that were based on faulty if not fraudulent computer models were intimidating and caused the US to shut down the economy which has cost lives and massive financial losses in the trillions?
14.) Is the Swedish model working?

15.) What do you say to the 30 million Americans who have lost their jobs because of your faulty models and predictions?

These two doctors have gotten away with so much and have caused so much pain in the process.  Their work has diminished Americans’ perceptions of their profession.  It’s time for a new direction.

 Read Complete Editorial Here:
Gateway Pundit
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