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Germany: We are all world citizens now

Written by Fabian Schmidt-Ahmad.

The saying comes from Thomas Hobbes, if everyone has the right to everything, nobody has the right to anything. In Germany we can study that on the living object. Around 130,000 foreigners received German citizenship in 2019, as the Federal Statistical Office has now announced - an increase of 15 percent . It was the result of an ideology project when, at the turn of the millennium, the then red-green federal government reinvented citizenship law.

The parentage principle (ius sanguinis), which was previously valid in Germany - and almost worldwide - was replaced by the principle of place of birth (ius soli). And now that we are all citizens of the world in a country without borders, every person can become a citizen here.

Who belongs to Germany
German citizenship is still worth something because it guarantees access to the welfare state - a remnant of the solidarity community that was founded on the ius sanguinis. And correspondingly attractive for a group of people who are neither able nor willing to finance this welfare state. A looting that is to be named with all sorts of taboos.

But no matter what idea of ​​democracy one adheres to, it should be clear: the first and most important task of any democracy is to determine who belongs - and who does not. A system that prevents this may be all sorts of things. But it is not a democracy.

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