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Germany: The woke army, now offended by the Tannenberg font

An Edeka branch in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania uses a "controversial" Tannenberg font, known especially from the Nazi era, on its signs in the store. It is unclear whether the decision was made consciously or not, but some Internet users, on the other hand, showed their indignation: Is it really Nazi symbolism?

The font was designed by the German graphic artist and typographer, Erich Meyer in the early 1930s. It was a time of upheaval in typography. Fraktur fonts such as "Tannenberg" were preferred. The font was named after a victorious battle near Tannenberg in 1914, where German soldiers had stopped Russian troops.

“The businessman didn't want to hurt anyone with the font he chose,” says the company. Rather, attempts were made to adapt the market to the regional characteristics of the building.

Because the shopping center is the listed halls of a former factory where railway wagons were repaired in the past. The font was used by the Deutsche Reichsbahn from 1935 to 1941. You can still see station signs from that time in Berlin.

Nevertheless, Edeka takes the criticism seriously and is in close contact with the branch manager. According to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”, the signage has been in this branch for three years. It is not clear why photos of the signs appear on the Internet right now.

Source: Epoch Times /
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