Bild editor-in-chief criticized Merkel: he is now under suspicion of misconduct
In November 2019 during a speech in the Bundestag, Merkel said that "freedom of expression has its limits." As expected, many left-wing activists celebrated without questioning the implications for the future. Today, in a society that is slowly moving towards totalitarianism, Merkel's words have a very clear meaning. The limit is criticism.
The punishment did not take long to arrive: "Internal investigations against Bild editor-in-chief Reichelt" headlines Spiegel Online: “The editor-in-chief of the "Bild" newspaper, Julian Reichelt, is confronted with an in-house compliance investigation. The allegations should concern repeated misconduct against women." "Among other things, the investigation is about the abuse of power and the exploitation of relationships of dependency," says the article: "In individual cases, Reichelt should face possible accusations of coercion and bullying, as several people who are familiar with the matter reported. The exact extent of the compliance investigation is currently unclear." The allegations are certainly older than Reichelt's latest video. But Bild's boss was also noticed earlier with critical tones. And the allegations became public recently after his new, massive attack against Merkel.
There is some evidence that we are witnessing a desperate defensive struggle by Merkel and her paladins against their own decline: the more violent and obvious their failure, the more violent the methods in dealing with people who point to this failure, wrote Boris Reitschuster. "I also got word that the inflammatory article against me in the Süddeutsche Zeitung hadn't grown there alone on the crap of the editorial team. Critics say that the newspaper, which also lives on advertising from the state treasury, has a particularly good connection to the Chancellery and the government. Which they make no secret of - the newspaper write astonishingly, yes, boldly openly about the government spokesmen who have complained about me. It used to be considered an award for journalists. Today as an occasion for colleagues to defamation and bullying - and they don't even hide it anymore."
The quote from the GDR civil rights activist Bärbel Bohley in 1991, fits the current situation:
“All of these investigations, the thorough research into the Stasi structures, the methods with which they have worked and are still working, all of this will fall into the wrong hands. These structures will be examined very carefully for later adoption.
They will be adapted a little so that they fit into a free Western society. The troublemakers will not necessarily be arrested either. There are better ways of rendering someone harmless. The secret prohibitions, the observation, the suspicion, the fear, the isolation and exclusion, the branding and silencing of those who do not conform - this will come again, believe me. Institutions will be created that function much more efficiently, much finer than the Stasi. The constant lying will also come back, the disinformation, the fog in which everything loses its shape."
Source: Reitschuster