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Germany: Lauterbach, the fake epidemologist complains about death threats online

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach was shocked to hear about hatred and death threats against him and other politicians and scientists.

Berlin - "Here I see a radicalization on the Internet that goes beyond what we saw in the past," he told the news portal Watson. "From my point of view this is not a very small group of people who are inspired by meanness, insinuations, hatred and fantasies of violence." They lack any inhibition.

"It is amazing to know that there are these people who lack all positive character traits and dignity. Who threaten, insult and incite violence to me and other politicians and scientists." The SPD politician, who, according to his own statements, has been the target of cyberbullying with threats of violence against him and his family for months, also said that the attackers were only a minority.

"I am currently getting a lot of encouragement from the citizens. Most of the citizens are sensible and amiable," said the doctor. It is really impressive how many conscientious, serious and disinterested people there are who are not only concerned with their own protection.

"It shouldn't give the wrong impression that people are only bullied online. I like being online, I'm glad that there is such a large community that takes part in my work and in the federal government."

Unlimited lockdown and constant presence on television
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lauterbach often appears as an expert, especially on talk shows and television interviews. In the first half of 2020 he was by far the most frequent guest on the talk shows of ARD and ZDF. In the further course of the year he was often a conversation partner in interviews on news channels such as Welt or n-tv , as well as a guest on talk shows such as hart but fair or at Markus Lanz. There he expressed his views on the pandemic and the measures taken and gave an early warning of a second wave of the pandemic. He advocates strict contact restrictions and is one of the sharp critics of quick easing.

In December, 2020, Lauterbach called for "measures to deal with climate change that are analogous to the restrictions on personal freedom in combating pandemics." He "increasingly" doubts whether this is "achievable". On January 4, 2021, he also called for an unlimited lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects he feared of a more rapidly spreading mutation of the virus. The incidence value per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days must be reduced to below 25, half as much as the federal and state governments are aiming for.

The "expert" of epidemiology who didn't study epidemiology
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sc. Karl Lauterbach is an “epidemiologist” (Tagesschau) and “specialist in epidemiology” (Focus). In other words, an expert - especially now in the “epidemic situation of national scope” determined by the Bundestag. The expert also said of himself that he is. For example, to the Dein-SPIEGEL children's reporters: “I am an epidemiologist and cannot complain about the lack of influence. But that also means: I always have to be absolutely sure that what I say is right. I have to research well."

Lauterbach studied human medicine and twenty years later received his license to practice medicine, which he had not previously applied for. With that he could have worked as a doctor in hospitals or in a practice without any restrictions. Neither of these was his goal in 2010.

Lauterbach's ex wife, Dr. med. Angela Spelsberg, who is an epidemiologist. Since 1996 she has been head of the Tumor Center at the Aachen University Hospital, wrote an open letter to “immediately initiate the determination of population-related data about the actual risk situation [through SARS-CoV-2] and thus become capable of acting again for everyone To be able to terminate measures that are not evidence-based immediately.” A few months later she was a guest at the “Talk in Hangar-7”. The Austrian broadcaster ServusTV also invited an intensive care doctor from Innsbruck University Hospital and an aerosol expert to the panel of experts on the subject of Corona. At some point, moderator Michael Fleischhacker came to talk about Spelsberg's former husband, because: “You and your ex-husband Karl Lauterbach studied together at Harvard, and as a layman I ask myself: if two people at a top university are the same study, then - "Fleischhacker got no further, because Spelsberg interrupted him and explained:" No, he didn't study the same thing as me. He was in Health Policy and Management. I was in epidemiology. "

No “scientific work” in the classic sense
Lauterbach's dissertation from May 1995 is entitled "Justice and the Functions of Health Care".
However, the dissertation is not a “scientific work” in the classic sense, but rather “a normative essay”, according to a Harvard professor.

A former lecturer at the Bundeswehr University took a look at the dissertation that was published afterwards and was sobered to find that he would not even have accepted it as a seminar paper.

Lauterbach's doctoral thesis is actually quite thin. The 118 pages have surprisingly few footnotes and direct quotations. Only on pages 11 and 13 are there a few figures on life expectancy and cancer deaths. Otherwise, the work is a treatise on ethical and economic aspects of public health.

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