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Limo Lib: Biden Betrays Mother Earth, Rides in 85-Vehicle Motorcade Before Attending UN Climate Summit

Growing up in the crunchy, green, hippie epicenter of San Francisco, I was indoctrinated from a young age in the early days of concerns over “global warming,” as we called it back then, that we all must do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.


Walk or take the bus, bring your own grocery bag to the store, recycle, turn lights off when you’re not using them, reduce your time in the shower, do your laundry at midnight, and so on — it was all part of the lofty collective effort to save Mother Gaia, which would only work if each and every one of us pulled his or her weight. 


Of course, while my perspective on what it means to steward this amazing planet God has given us and the veracity of claims surrounding anthropogenic “climate change” have certainly shifted since my youth, my scorn for the sheer hypocrisy from those who claim to want to save the planet and don’t, in turn, do their part to reduce carbon emissions certainly hasn’t.


While there might be plenty of hardcore environmentalists out there who practice what they preach — again, I’m from California, so I’ve seen some of these extreme lifestyles — wealthy politicians and celebrities who push for radical worldwide economic reform in the name of “saving the planet” are often as hypocritical as it gets.


President Joe Biden can now most certainly be numbered among those who seem to think that when it comes to saving the planet, only the plebs need to change their lifestyle.

Ahead of his trip to the United Nations’ 2021 Climate Change Conference, or COP26, in Scotland on Monday, the American president was spotted cruising through Rome with a massive, gas-guzzling motorcade that was 85-cars strong, according to Fox News.


 First of all, why on earth did the president need literally dozens of vehicles just to visit Pope Francis? I know he’s probably a lot to handle these days what with all the highly coordinated efforts it takes to prevent him from speaking to reporters, but does his entourage seriously require enough people to fill 85 cars?! So much for social distancing, essential travel and reducing carbon emissions, apparently.


Second, could anything possibly make his visit to the U.N. climate conference appear more frivolous than wantonly disregarding even the appearance of caring about the planet exactly one day prior?


Opinionated critics sure thought so.


When The Washington Post’s Chico Harlan first tweeted about the lengthy motorcade Harlan was accompanying while covering the president’s visit to the Vatican, commenters noted the irony that not only was Biden on his way to the U.N. climate conference the following day but that he was likely going to discuss climate change with Francis.


That Biden did — the pontiff is well known for his climate concerns, and it was reportedly among the topics the two discussed when they met.



  Read More Here: Western Journal
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