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EXCLUSIVE — Michael Savage Accuses Biden of Wagging the Dog: ‘There’s Zero National Interest in Ukraine’

President Biden is “wagging the dog” by entering into a potentially major conflict with Russia even as America’s border poses a far greater threat to national security, according to conservative radio legend Michael Savage, who claimed the U.S. has “zero national interest” in Ukraine while criticizing the lack of meaningful opposition to American involvement.


In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, conservative radio host and best-selling author Michael Savage spoke about a potential major conflict between America and Russia following the Biden administration’s pulling of embassy staff, sending of military equipment and warships, and placing American troops on high alert to deploy to Europe amid concerns that Moscow could soon make a military move on Ukraine.


Democrat War Drums


Savage began by bashing the decision to escalate the conflict.


“What in the hell are we doing there?” he asked, as he called “the hatred for Russia that comes out of the American Democrat Party” both “bizarre” and “not so bizarre.”


“Remember, [former Secretary of State] Hillary [Clinton] kept wanting to attack Russia and hated [Russian President Vladimir] Putin over and over? No one understood that,” he added. “It was Trump and Putin together combining forces that drove the Islamic State (ISIS) out of the Middle East initially.”


While “we worked with Russia,” Savage continued, “[former President Barack] Obama dragged his heels and let ISIS grow into a cancer that almost took over the Middle East.”


“So why are we attacking our one natural ally against radical Islam which is Russia?” he asked. “Maybe Obama, who is soft on Islamism, is pulling the strings all over again.”


However, if Biden were to declare war, he cautioned, there may be a dire economic impact on our society and the world. 


“How can we even afford this?” he asked. “With the pandemic, we’re already at a breaking point.”


He also called attention to Biden’s poor leadership manifest during the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan in August.


“Let’s not forget that this ‘commander-in-grief’ abruptly withdrew from Afghanistan, left behind billions of dollars in advanced equipment, [and] left men and women behind who were slaughtered as a rape epidemic spreads across the area,” he said.


“Isn’t that odd [that] the same man who pulled out abruptly from Afghanistan now wants to go in abruptly?” he asked. “It sounds crazy to me.”


History Repeats Itself


Warning how major conflicts have arisen over trivial and unintended matters, Savage highlighted how “people don’t realize that World War I actually happened by accident.”


Read More Here: Breitbart

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