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Germany: Churches and dioceses are again calling for climate fasting

Several Protestant regional churches, Catholic dioceses and church institutions have again called for climate fasting. “Climate fasting would like to win people over when shopping and preparing food to use less energy and to change everyday life and their own habits in such a way that they eat and live in a more climate-friendly manner,” explained the bishop’s aid organization “Misereor”, one of the largest aid organizations of the Catholic Church in Germany, announced its commitment on Wednesday.

“Climate justice starts at home. It is important that we eat more consciously and throw away less food. If we shop regionally and seasonally more often, we help to ensure that less CO2 is generated for the production and transport of our food," emphasized Dagmar Pruin, President of the aid organization "Bread for the World". She is also the patron of the climate fasting campaign.

Pruin urges solidarity with victims of "overheating"
According to her, conventional agriculture accelerates climate change. More justice and solidarity is needed here, especially with those people “who are already suffering the most from global overheating”. "They have hardly contributed to it, at the same time they have little opportunity to protect themselves against the consequences."

17 Protestant regional churches and Catholic dioceses are taking part in the campaign. There are also organizations like “Bread for the World” and “Misereor”. The seven-week Lent begins this year on March 2nd, Ash Wednesday, and ends on April 17th, Easter Saturday. The churches had already called for climate fasting in recent years.

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