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Justin Trudeau & Jagmeet Singh Are Pushing A Dangerous Agenda Of Anger & Division

They are projecting their hateful attitudes onto their opponents, and gaslighting the nation on a massive scale.


As hardworking Patriotic Canadians continue to speak out in support of our rights and freedoms, the anger and rage of power-hungry statist politicians continues to grow.


Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh love to posture as ‘enlightened’ and ‘positive’ politicians offering a hopeful and unifying vision.


However, just like the ‘equality’ preached by communism was merely a cover for the power-lust and hatred of its proponents, Trudeau and Singh have an agenda that is deeply divisive and based upon stoking as much anger as possible.


Consider Jagmeet Singh’s absolutely crazy and unhinged response to the Freedom Convoy:


“Today we commemorate 5 years since a terrorist attacked and murdered Muslims in a Quebec City Mosque.


We said never again.


And, today Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those that claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease.”



Singh chose to attack the convoy in the most divisive possible terms, and – intentionally of course – completely ignored the many Canadians of all backgrounds who unified in support of the message of freedom:


Remember what Singh said about Castro

When Fidel Castro – a Communist dictator who often killed his political opponents – died, this is what Jagmeet Singh had to say:
 “He saw a country wracked by poverty, illiteracy & disease. So he lead a revolution that uplifted the lives of millions. RIP #FidelCastro”


So, we can see that Jagmeet Singh is glad to praise a brutal communist, while demonizing his own fellow Citizens.


Also, Jagmeet Singh’s own brother in law donated $13,000 to the convoy, before asking for it back (likely under massive pressure from Jagmeet and the NDP). Funny how Jagmeet ignored that in his denunciation.


Where is the support for working class Canadians?

As many pointed out, the left talks a big game about supporting the working class.


Yet, when given the opportunity to support a real movement of working class Canadians – Canadians essential to keeping our civilization functioning – Singh and the NDP instead choose to demonize them, and side with the government and media elites.


This is no coincidence, since politicians and government officials kept on getting paid throughout the crisis, making it easy for them to call for lockdowns and restrictions knowing they wouldn’t pay a financial price.


Having abandoned working class Canadians, Singh has shifted the NDP fully into a politically-correct ‘woke’ institution, bereft of any concern for actual Canadian workers.


With all that said, the damage Singh can do with his unhinged rhetoric is nothing compared to the damage being done by Justin Trudeau.


Refusing to respect Canadians

One of the hallmarks of Trudeau’s time in office has been how understanding he is of foreign ideologies and violent acts:


After the Boston bombing, here’s what Trudeau said:


We don’t know if it was terrorism, or a single crazy, or a domestic issue or a foreign issue — all those questions. But there is no question that this happened because of someone who feels completely excluded, someone who feels completely at war with innocence, at war with society.”


He added that we shouldn’t “marginalize people even further who already feel like they are enemies of society rather than people who have hope for the future.”


Source: Spencer Fernando

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