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Bologna introduces social credit style system

The Italian city of Bologna is set to launch a social credit score-style system, dubbed a "smart citizen wallet." Participating in the program is voluntary, for now.

According to Corriere di Bologna, users of the "smart citizen wallet" will receive "digital points" for "virtuous behavior" such as recycling. Points can be used for purchases and discounts.

“The citizen [will get rewards] if he recycles; if you use public transport; if you manage [energy consumption] well; if you do not receive sanctions from the municipal authority; if you actively use the Culture Card”, said councilman Massimo Bugani.

Bologna's social credit score will differ from China's in two ways; it is voluntary and people will not be punished for their bad behavior. The municipality hopes that treating the program like a reward card will increase adoption.

"Obviously no one will be forced to participate, and whoever wants to consent can download and use a special app, but I think there will be many to join," Bugani continued. "We want citizens to understand that they are not losers but that their behavior is rewarded."

The success of Bologna's social credit scoring program could have a significant impact in Italy and the EU and, if the government likes the results, the scheme could be expanded.

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