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Diversity Update - April 2022

Here it is, after some delay, your monthly dose of Diversity Update. Enjoy!

There's a new trend in the country: more and more female police officers are being sexually harassed by asylum seekers. Diversity always finds its way.

During a pro-Palestine demo you can hear "shitty Jews" and "you dirty Jews". Islam proves once more how well integrated it is, in a country where anti-Semitism brings nothing, but some of the darkest memories. What does the government do about it? Nothing. It only matters when the anti-Semitic scum is German.

As usual, totally normal and well integrated individuals.


Easter celebration enriched by Muslim scholars. The guy on the floor screams "my neck, motherfucker!" (his Spanish is quite good, very well integrated) and a woman is heard asking the police to "hit him more. He's still screams". Evidently she wanted the criminal to have his soul detached from his body, to put it mildly. Another woman complains, "this is a pity", in reference to the survival of the beloved scholar.

More than 2,500 migrants of sub-Saharan origin tried to enter Spain through the fence that separates the autonomous city of Melilla.

A master class of integration. Sweden is the example to follow, no dount about it.

Avesta, Norberg
Woman experiences more enrichment.

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