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Germany: After the murder of a young girl: 13 and 14 year olds under suspicion

Unlimited sadness, outrage and horror have dominated Salzgitter-Fredenberg since noon on Tuesday. Two boys aged 13 and 14 are said to have murdered a 15-year-old schoolgirl. Although the police arrested both of them, one of the perpetrators will not even be arrested. The reason: He is not criminally responsible. The laws are clear here.

"Currently one of the arrests is going on," says Hans Christian Wolters from the public prosecutor's office in Braunschweig to Junge Freiheit. “We can say that the 13-year-old has Russian and German citizenship, the 14-year-old has German citizenship and a Russian migration background. The victim also has a Russian migration background.” The motive has not yet been finally clarified, but according to current knowledge, it is personal to the public prosecutor. The cause of death is also not yet clear, one thing is certain: the girl was neither stabbed nor shot.

Alleged perpetrators and victims knew each other
Flashback: Last Sunday, the parents of the girl, her name is Anastasiia, reported her missing to the police. Her daughter had disappeared at 6 p.m., according to a missing person's report, witnesses wanted to have seen her at the Fredenberg vocational school. The police immediately began searching for the girl with 50 officers using a drone and sniffer dogs. They worked into the night - in vain. They didn't find anything on Monday either. On Tuesday, officers made a terrifying discovery: a female corpse.

After three days it is now certain that Anastasiia is dead. The alleged perpetrators are said to have known their victim from school. The public prosecutor's office has filed a motion against the 14-year arrest warrant for murder. "With regard to the 13-year-old, who is under criminal responsibility and cannot be imprisoned, the youth welfare office in Salzgitter was informed of the suspicion," said the Braunschweig public prosecutor. "It is not known here what measures have been taken or will be taken there."

In Germany, a young person from the age of 14 is liable to prosecution. The legislature assumes that it can, at least in part, recognize the criminal liability of its actions. At least up to the age of 18 a person is sentenced according to juvenile criminal law. According to German law, all children under the age of 14 are not yet of criminal responsibility. According to paragraph 19 of the criminal law, they are considered to be incapable of criminal responsibility and therefore not of legal age.

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