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Hamburg: State pays extortionate rents for refugees

Hamburg - Despite the economic crisis, a certain gold rush mood has broken out in the rental industry. Anyone who now rents living space to Ukrainian refugees earns a disproportionate amount in Hamburg. The city-state pays real estate companies 30 euros per day per person. For a group of five, this amounts to 4,500 euros per month for an apartment.

Astronomical rents are being asked for living space in the three skyscrapers of the “Mundsburg Towers” ​​in Hamburg that shape the cityscape – when Ukrainians move in. A total of 175 furnished and unfurnished apartments are available in the tallest residential buildings in the Hanseatic city. 60 of them are now going to refugees from the war zone. The taxpayer makes the monthly payments to “Home United Spaces GmbH” for the accommodation.

6.2 million euros rent for one year
According to information from the Senate in response to a request from the Left parliamentary group, there is room for 300 Ukrainians in the residential units on the posh Outer Alster. At 30 euros per accommodated person and day, that makes a total monthly rent of 270,000 euros. Rental costs totaling 6.2 million euros are expected to be incurred by June 30, 2023.

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