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Germany: Dispute in the Left Party about protests against energy policy

Erführt - Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) has warned his party against protests against energy policy. One should not make common cause with right-wing extremists. Previously, the East Commissioner of the Left parliamentary group, Sören Pellmann, had called for Monday demos in the East like the ones in the past against Hartz IV cuts.

Ramelow counters: "The left is fighting for an effective protective shield over all options, in the Bundestag and Bundesrat". He told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland: “In the case of social protests, please observe the rule of distance from right-wing extremist organizers. The right-wing have rightly been criticized for usurping the symbolism of the Monday demonstrations.”

“Hot autumn versus social cold”
The new party leader Martin Schirdewan contradicted and defended the call for protests against the planned gas levy. In the ARD "Tagesthemen" he rejected the accusation that demonstrations would divide society: "Those who divide society are the parties represented in the federal government by implementing anti-social policies that are primarily at the expense of the majority of the population. That there is displeasure among the population is quite natural. We on the left are striving to organize a hot autumn against the social indifference of the federal government.”

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