Germany: Lauterbach wants fourth vaccination for all age groups
Berlin - "We shouldn't just say what the over 70s should do. We also have to have an answer for the 40-year-old," he told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Sunday editions). The younger ones also wanted to know what to do.
"We now need clear recommendations for all age groups." The question is whether a 40-year-old should not be vaccinated under any circumstances or only in exceptional cases, for example if there are many contacts at work, or only if the family doctor recommends it. "You need a message for every age. At the latest when the new vaccines are available, there should also be clear messages for those under 60," Lauterbach demanded. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has so far only recommended the fourth vaccination to people over the age of 70 and risk groups. The SPD politician expects four new vaccines for early autumn: "Two vaccines from Biontech and Moderna that are adapted to the BA.1 subtype and two that are specifically effective against the BA.5 subtype."
They would not only protect against serious illnesses, but also to a large extent against infection, the minister said. Once the new vaccines are on the market, the previous vaccines will be "more or less worthless". Even the poorer countries would not adopt these doses.
"We will then have to destroy vaccine doses that had been ordered by the last government," said Lauterbach.
Most Germans in favor of vaccines if they did not have to wear a mask
In the debate about possible anti-corona measures in the coming autumn, the absolute majority of Germans (57 percent) would be willing to be vaccinated again if they then did not have to wear a mask in bars or public spaces or have to show test certificates. This is the result of an INSA survey for the Bild (Saturday edition).
A third (33 percent) of those surveyed would not be willing to do so (there is no information about the remaining ten percent). But: If the new vaccination certificate were to lose its validity after just three months, as planned in the federal government’s draft for new anti-corona measures, the majority of Germans would no longer go along with it: the absolute majority of (58 percent) would not be willing in principle to to be vaccinated "every three months". Almost a third (30 percent) would be willing to do this in principle (twelve percent don't know/no answer).
Source: Der Newsticker / Oldenburger Online Zeitung
Photo: picture alliance, Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert