New study in Germany: the number of corona deaths is not even half as high
Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) justified his thoughts about declaring an epidemic situation again at the weekend with “already between 100 and 150 corona deaths per day”. He warned: "My concern is that this number could still increase." When presenting the tightened corona measures with Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) a few days earlier, he had even spoken of up to "200 deaths" a day.
54 percent did not die from Covid
Lauterbach is obviously wrong about this. The UKE subsequently examined the causes of death of the corona deaths reported to the RKI. According to this, more than half of these people died of completely different diseases. They only had one positive test for the omicron variant. This was the case in 54 percent of all cases examined. According to the study, only 46 percent are real corona deaths. With the Delta variant, on the other hand, 85 percent of the reported deaths actually died from Corona.
UKE professor Stefan Kluge classifies the results: "That means only around half of the 'corona deaths' reported to the RKI actually fell victim to the virus when omicron appeared." was vaccinated and had no additional risk factors, Kluge told the Bild newspaper.
Criticism of the distorted statistics is now also coming from the University Hospital Dresden. There is “no clear database”, says Professor Michael Albrecht. He said one should “distinguish between Covid-19 as the main and secondary diagnosis”.
This Monday at 3:07 a.m., the RKI reported on its website: "No further deaths".
Source: Junge Freiheit