Germany: "Un-word of the year" 2022 is "climate terrorists"
Marburg - Among the stupidities we find in Germany, one of them is the "Word of the Year" announced by the Society for German Language, and then we have also the "Un-word" or nonsense "of the year". In this case, the expression "climate terrorists" did not sit well with the media and the left-wing elites.
In the public-political discourse, the word is used to refer to actors who are committed to the implementation of climate protection measures and the achievement of the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the jury said on Tuesday. The expression was used to "discredit" activists and their protest. By equating them with terrorists, the activists would be "criminalized and defamed," it said.
"By equating climate activist protest with terrorism, non-violent forms of protest, civil disobedience and democratic resistance are placed in the context of violence and hostility to the state." With the use of the "stigmatizing expression" the focus of the debate also shifts "from the legitimate substantive demands of the group to how to deal with protesters". In this context, the words "climate terrorism", "koterrorism" or "climate RAF" were also used.
"By equating climate activist protest with terrorism, non-violent forms of protest, civil disobedience and democratic resistance are placed in the context of violence and hostility to the state." With the use of the "stigmatizing expression" the focus of the debate also shifts "from the legitimate substantive demands of the group to how to deal with protesters". In this context, the words "climate terrorism", "koterrorism" or "climate RAF" were also used.
Interestingly, all of the recent non words of the year are those critial of the ruling woke clowns and corrupt mafia in power:
2022: climate terrorists
2021: pushback
2020: Corona dictatorship and repatriation sponsorships
2019: climate hysteria
2018: Anti-deportation industry
2017: Alternative Facts
2016: Traitor
2015: Do-gooder
2014: Lying press
The terms "social tourism", "defensive architecture" and "military strike" also made it onto the list. For the year 2022, 454 different words were sent in, of which almost 45 also met the non-word criteria. There were a total of 1,308 entries.
The jury for the "Unword of the Year" campaign consists of four linguists, one journalist and one member who changes every year.
Source: Der Newsticker
Photo: Stephan Jansen/dpa