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Black Supremacy, or Angry Blacks?; The Perennial “Bait and Switch”

Our leaders have mandated the concept of black supremacy upon all of us, in which the standard for all laws and ideas are solely based on the effect and well-being on black people (whom are treated like the golden calves of the modern era). Let me explain this idea first, and then I will explore a sinister contradiction of intent by the elite leaders. But let me start with the principle of black supremacy, which is that every thought and policy is about them, whether it is:


  • Traffic laws
  • Building a road
  • Public transportation
  • Employment laws/statistics
  • Standardized tests (and the elimination of)
  • Attendance records by schools
  • University admissions
  • Policing/criminal laws
  • Election laws
  • Welfare state
  • Due process (mere accusation w/o evidence of racism is ok to ruin a life)
  • Proper parenting/Raising children
  • Definition of family (monogamy)
  • $€x partners
  • Values/morals/ethics
  • Nutrition
  • Medical care
  • Vaccines/pandemic
  • Cost of living
  • Rosters on athletic teams
  • Lottery ticket sales in inner cities
  • Climate change
  • Television programming/advertisements/film
  • Toy characters
  • British Royal Family
  • Friendships/acquaintances
  • Etc…
  • Job performance

The point of this being that if these concepts were to help blacks, then these are labeled as being good; and if they harm blacks, then these are labeled as “racist” and thus must be abolished (even though these laws/policies/concepts are neutral). Basically, any disparity between the races is deemed to be because of “racism”; no other explanation is allowed, otherwise the motive of the alternative explanation too is “racism” (i.e., the truth is forbidden). With this, blacks are collectively absolved of accountability for dreadful life choices, and instead blame white people for everything. And by the elites designating blacks as the most important demographic by making them the focus of every single policy/law/morals/ethics because America is somehow all about them (and only them), and by the elites constantly pandering to them, this results in black people knowing (not merely thinking it) that they are entitled to being the supreme demographic, and thus all things good are owed to them. 


So when the supreme demographic group experiences generational inadequacies, then there must be a sinister reason for this. So the elites justify this “twist of fate” for “God’s chosen people” by telling them that their failures are caused by white supremacy and systemic racism, so because of this grand theft to their right of inheritance of all things good, it is only natural that they became angry, and thus they rightly seek vengeance against honkeys. 


But are white people as a whole responsible for these unfortunate turn of events? Is not the cause of these occurrences: 


  • the welfare-State that ruins families, encourages dads to abandon their families, moms to have as many kids with as many unreliable men as possible,
  • anti-literacy laws that teaches grievances, $€x, and drugs, instead of marketable job skills
  • an entertainment industry that encourages crime, vulgarity, profanity, not being able to hold a job, neglect their kids, drink too much, violence, bad attitude to education, not talking properly, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless search for excitement, lively music and dance, rhetoric and unrestrained emotions, touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self over-dramatization, and all around bad behaviour.


And who exactly encouraged these horrible traits? It was elite woke white people in the Democratic Party; and since then, the torch for promoting these irresponsible traits has been handed over to black leaders as well because they too profit from these failures. 


But why are average people unaware of this? Because the elites want to have black people be poor and angry poor, (and of course to overlook the fact that it was bad life decisions caused in part to anti-literacy laws that caused these problems), the woke elites thus hope that they become a radicalized hate group with a “license to commit crime” without consequence as long as it enhances Democrat Party causes. And because this anger and violence benefits the elites, they have turned this cultish behaviour of black supremacy and black vengeance into our national religion so to keep all the rest of us in-check. Don’t believe me? As a white person, just try to deny your “guilt” and/or “privilege”, or just try to question the zeigeist of “victimhood” and “oppression” or the “lived experience” of blacks,1 or dare say that “it is ok to be white”; you will feel the wrath of “social justice”. And as all this is occurring, I dare you to fail to pay tribute to blacks (both in word and in deed). 


This occurs for two basic reasons. First, the elites benefit from all of this chaos, violence, and disruption; these people do not give a $h!t about black people, although they pretend to; their god is money and profit, and their devil is anything that decreases their profit. Second, the “useful idiots” (which includes those who are educated, wealthy, and powerful; and anyone else of any class) includes people who either care for blacks AND those who just pretend to care for blacks due to economic and/or social reasons, so they set a very low bar for blacks, but not because they care for their overall well-being, but rather because they want to ease their own guilt by virtue-signaling, and also to silence/punish/cancel anyone telling the truth about the cause of their shortcomings.2 These people conclude that blacks are unable to compete at the same intellectual level as other ethnic groups. But worse, they conclude that dumbing down standards somehow helps blacks. So because of their guilt, we similarly must also pretend to care as well.

What we must do is risk cancellation and to discuss the primary barriers to black achievement in America which include the thug culture and anti-literacy laws that result in a lifetime repetition of bad life choices. The domino effect of this is that these undermine and terrorize fellow blacks, for which the optics are broken homes, substance abuse, gang violence, contempt for education, and rejection of law enforcement. And the people who brought these horrors into black families and communities are woke white Democrat elites (remember, inner cities are not MAGA country, so they certainly had/have no leadership roles there that caused these problems). 


But if we want to have some straight talk here, it is unfortunate that the Democrat Party intentionally caused all of these problems; but if the most basic standards of fairness and decency happen to disenfranchise and offend people, then take it up with the Democrat Party. It was that Party that not just caused the problems, not just that they lied by making altruistic promises that they had no intentions of fulfilling, but more so that they actually intended on harming blacks and then to blame innocent white people just so they can profit from it (i.e., a “bait and switch”).3

1 Wokeists treat the “lived experience” of blacks as sacred and unquestionable. In a logical world, a person’s “lived experience” is an evidentiary illustrative tool to try to prove a point, but under wokeism, it is treated as divine. Alternatively, the “lived experiences” of those with opposing views are downplayed and denigrated as some form of “…ism…” or a “…phobe…”

2 This point needs to be re-enforced that “useful idiots” are not a monolithic group. It includes wokeists who are “true believers” of this ideology, which unknowingly to them, it profits the elites (not blacks); and it includes people/companies pretending to be woke just to prevent economic and social isolation (whether out of fear or for profiteering), or to gain economic and/or social status, or whether to use wokeism as a ruse to be exempt from laws/rules/criticism.

3 A present day planned “bait and switch” is the $800 billion reparations bill for blacks in California that has them all riled up for this sudden cash flow, but if/when this discriminatory bill becomes law and then it is challenged in Court for violating some unimportant document known as the US Constitution (the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment), then the blacks will be raged with fury, and then the elites who apply anti-literacy laws will again convince blacks that systemically racist whites prevented this for the purpose of keeping blacks poor.

So yet another example of the protagonists having the “jaws of victory” in their hands, and while in the midst of celebration, the prize is snatched away from their hands and instead awarded to the antagonists. In professional wrestling, this is known as a “Dusty finish”.


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