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White Fragility; Then What?

Under wokeism, we are constantly told that white people are collectively evil so they must be re-educated and removed from power. So let’s assume this scenario: white people have been forcibly re-educated, white people have been removed from powerful roles in all aspects of society, and America’s “systemically racist” institutions have been torn down. And despite all of this “re-imagining” of society and humanity, unequal outcomes persist in favor of whites (and Asians). In this case, this “White Fragility” gospel would still proclaim that white supremacy and systemic racism are somehow the cause of this.


Then what? If all of these woke society changes were to fail in altering nature, then no doubt wokeists would continue to bow to the “White Fragility” bible, thus the only remaining option for them to eliminate racial inequalities is to eliminate white people.


Sieg Wokeism!

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