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“Righting Historical Wrongs”


A major peril of discrimination is its hypocrisy. What I mean by this is that most people oppose discrimination except when it benefits them; so to disguise this wicked act, they fraudulently mislabel this it with some innocent sounding euphemism (such as “diversity”, or “inclusion”, or “equity”, or “righting a historical wrong”1) as a ruse to downplay/justify this. But what is significant about DIE is that the powerful people/entities who finance it and promote it never actually intended to benefit “marginalized people”; rather, their intent was to give themselves more powers over the lives of the general population by them essentially making “life and death” decisions on behalf of other people (ex., University admissions, and the hiring/promoting of employees). The traditional American mechanism for such rewards was that of “merit”, in which a test score(s) determine who is most qualified (whether one standardized test and/or multiple tests over a period of many years); but this mechanism took power away from those whose goal was to culturally appropriate the role of a god because it was not them who made life decisions over other people (but rather a mere test(s) that measure qualifications). Thus these people schemed to eliminate “merit” from the equation, and instead replaced it with DIE (which are subjective invisible criteria in which only they know the magic potion for this to materialize), thus this made them all-powerful over the lives of others.

And what was the result of this since the mid-1960’s when these DIE programs went into effect? (Back then, it was not referred to as DIE, but the same principles applied). Discrimination against an unfavourable group, while favouring more preferable groups (i.e., non-white straight males). And how did/do they get away with it with what is a clear violation of the Constitution? By alleging that this current discrimination is justified because it was/is “righting a historical wrong”. So let us analyze this in more depth; “righting a historical wrong”. As a starting point, those promoting DIE gave themselves monopoly power of what is “right” and what is “wrong”, along with monopoly power over who committed the “right” and who committed the “wrong”, along with who benefited from this “wrong”, and who was victimized from this “wrong”.2

Next, if you analyze global history, every person(s)/group/entity that committed discrimination or genocide or mass murder did so because they honestly believed in their warped minds and demented conscience(s) that their acts were justified by “righting a historical wrong”. Just go down the list: AH, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Napoleon, Jacobins, etc…; they ALL believed that the victims who were ki!!ed deserved it because they committed past/current “wrongs”, thus the ki!!ers needed to make it “right”. In essence, they gave themselves god-like powers over other people’s lives, and there was zero doubt in their minds that not only were their actions sanctimonious and righteous, BUT more so that they themselves were sanctimonious and righteous.3

In other words, this is pure narcissism by these fools whilst pretending to care for “marginalized people”. So what has been the conclusion of nearly 60 years of social welfare/Affirmative Action laws in the US? The destruction of families, neighborhoods, and cities into Zombie-like Apocalypses.

1 This article refers to when the target of the “wrong” is a collective group of people for acts the group as a whole did not commit; this article does not refer to situations in which specific people committed a wrong, who must then be punished for their own specific action.

2 White people as a whole today are blamed for the actions of other whites in the Democrat Party from decades/centuries ago, whilst blacks today are somehow “victims” for the suffering of other blacks from decades/centuries ago. It is almost as if “time” is not chronologically linear, but rather time is a continuum in which all historical events occur simultaneously at the very same instant moment, thus punishing whites today is justified because whites today committed slavery hundreds of years ago.

3 The significance of this statement is that they did/do not look upon themselves as average people having a mere temporary moment of righteousness in their otherwise average life, BUT RATHER that their whole existence is righteous and eternal which must be affirmed and celebrated as such by the masses.


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