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If Conservatives Acted like Leftists

When it comes to people using their brains (academics & employment) versus using their bodies (athletics), Conservatives and Leftists have differing positions on this (shocker). Let me diagram it below first:

Conservative view:

Use of brain: merit

Use of body: merit

Leftist view:

Use of brain; equity

Use of body: merit

If Conservatives were inconsistent like Leftists

Use of brain: merit

Use of body: equity

If Leftists were consistent like Conservatives (which is pure fiction)

Use of brain; equity

Use of body: equity

So in a logical world, merit would prevail in all scenarios (i.e., the Conservative view). But Leftists are not consistent (except when you factor the consistency of their ultimate goal of gaining power AT ALL costs; ex., whether by lying, cheating, stealing, ki!!ing, etc…). But looking beyond their power-grab, if we were to suspend disbelief and to pretend that Leftists were/are actually sincere as to their positions, their hustle is that they want to help black people because Leftists believe that blacks are not smart enough to compete in the brain category (i.e., the bigotry of low expectations).

So if we take the view that equity prevails in all categories, then whites should comprise a tad over 50% of workers, University students, and athletes on team rosters.

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