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MALCOLM: True North’s reporting on the “unmarked graves” narrative has been vindicated


Back in 2021, the country was shaken by the gruesome accusation – presented as “fact” – that the graves of 215 children buried at a former Kamloops, BC residential school were apparently discovered.


The media went into overdrive to dismantle Canada’s international reputation and rebrand our great country as a racist, genocidal, imperialist former-dictatorship, guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity. 


Of course, as you now know, none of it was true. Or at least there is no hard evidence to verify any of these horrendous accusations. 


At the time, every single member of the legacy media went along with the story, happy to exaggerate the claims to drum up hatred towards Canada and further the agony and pain among Canada’s First Nations. 


Even the independent media were silent, no one dared to publicly question the narrative that “unmarked graves had been discovered.” 


As a result, in the summer of 2021, churches throughout Western Canada were vandalized or burnt down, Canada Day celebrations across the country were cancelled, and the Prime Minister even created a new national holiday for Truth and Reconciliation. 


Phrases like “mass graves” and “murdered children” were repeatedly uttered by legacy media journalists and politicians.


As Winston Churchill once said, a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. 



Read More Here: True North News

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