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With the Spirit of the Age being that of wokeness, what is paramount is the concept of “who whom”, in that words and actions are not judged based on being right or wrong, but rather the words/actions are judged based on who/whom said/did it, and who/whom was the intended recipient of these words/actions. In other words, a word/act done by one person may be affirmed and celebrated, but if another person says/does the exact same thing (or something similar) that person will be condemned. But how can that be? Is it the delivery of the word/act that is flawed? No! What is occurring is the concoction of identity hierarchies giving preferential treatment to some people, and unfavourable treatment to others. Let me give some examples of some words/acts that get unequal treatment:

  • From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”. This sounds innocent enough, but when you unpack its meaning, it means that they deny Israel’s right to exist, so to nullify Israel means to commit genocide or expulsion upon all Jews in Israel.

This slogan is highly celebrated by the elite crowd of politicians, academia, media, etc…

So let us examine a similar variation of this slogan:

  • From the Volga to the Atlantic, Europe Will Be Crime-free”. This sounds innocent enough, but when you unpack the meaning, it means that Europeans must expel all Africans, Muslims, Gypsy’s, and Leftists from living in Europe.

Just wondering, will this be celebrated from the “River to the Sea…” crowd? Nope, it will be condemned with the mother-of-all “…isms…” by them. There are hundred more examples I can write about regarding unequal treatment of people based on artificial groupings.

This form of who/whom1 nepotism has existed since forever in the human experience, which is done purely as a power-play as opposed being done for fairness (i.e., winning versus losing, as opposed to right versus wrong). But it was the American Founding Principles that introduced fairness and equal treatment to all citizens as a goal to aspire for, for which the woke crowd prefers a pre-Constitutional barbaric form of rule.

1 The examples of preferential treatment under wokeism is too endless to discuss in one article.




By John (the other John) 

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