Germany: SPD wants migrant quota for courts and authorities
The SPD is finalizing a law for a quota for foreigners and other discriminated against people in authorities and courts.
The SPD parliamentary group's planning group has drawn up a draft for the planned participation law. It sets out a mandatory quota for "people with a migration background or experience of discrimination in federal courts and authorities."
"This law is intended to strengthen the participation of the immigrant society," the Bild newspaper quotes from the planned law, which is expected to pass the Bundestag before Christmas. However, the Social Democrats did not want to announce how high the proportion of foreigners and other discriminated people must be.
Such a quota would discriminate against local applicants because it would initially be necessary to hire predominantly migrants until the percentage is met.
Faeser also planned migrant quota
The traffic light coalition had already agreed on the participation law in its coalition agreement. After legalizing cannabis and making annual gender changes possible without red tape, the quota for foreigners in the public service and in federal courts is now the third important social concern of the SPD, FDP and Greens.
In order to ensure compliance, a so-called "participation council" is to be founded, creating more bureaucracy and additional positions. The aim is to introduce "a holistic diversity strategy with concrete support measures, targets and measures for a cultural change in the federal administration and in companies with federal participation."
The Federal Ministry of the Interior, led by Nancy Faeser (SPD), has also been working on a draft law on migrant quotas since early summer.
The SPD parliamentary group's planning group has drawn up a draft for the planned participation law. It sets out a mandatory quota for "people with a migration background or experience of discrimination in federal courts and authorities."
"This law is intended to strengthen the participation of the immigrant society," the Bild newspaper quotes from the planned law, which is expected to pass the Bundestag before Christmas. However, the Social Democrats did not want to announce how high the proportion of foreigners and other discriminated people must be.
Such a quota would discriminate against local applicants because it would initially be necessary to hire predominantly migrants until the percentage is met.
Faeser also planned migrant quota
The traffic light coalition had already agreed on the participation law in its coalition agreement. After legalizing cannabis and making annual gender changes possible without red tape, the quota for foreigners in the public service and in federal courts is now the third important social concern of the SPD, FDP and Greens.
In order to ensure compliance, a so-called "participation council" is to be founded, creating more bureaucracy and additional positions. The aim is to introduce "a holistic diversity strategy with concrete support measures, targets and measures for a cultural change in the federal administration and in companies with federal participation."
The Federal Ministry of the Interior, led by Nancy Faeser (SPD), has also been working on a draft law on migrant quotas since early summer.
Source: Junge Freiheit