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One Article, Two Titles: AH was not a Nazi; Dresden does not have an “Ignatius Emergency”

Written by John (the other John).

The title of the article may immediately turn people off because it just sounds absolutely ridiculous, and something only a Nazi would say; defending AH? Absurd! But this article is not defending AH. When it comes to evil (based on the number of murders caused), he ranks in the top 5 most evil people in the 100,000 years of human history (a ranking infamously shared with his fellow Socialists Stalin and Mao; other Socialists make it in the top 20; after all, very few people in inhuman history have caused the murder of tens of millions of people). That being said, now let me clarify what the first title to this article has to do with reality; AH was not a Nazi. So let us go back in history and discuss what exactly is a Nazi.

Historically, the word “nazi” (with a small “n”) was a word that pre-dated the rise of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP; which in English means the National Socialist German Workers Party). The word nazi was an insulting word to describe a Bavarian peasant who was awkward and clumsy (ex., similar to a “hill-folk” or a “hillbilly” or a “paddy”). It derived from the name “Ignatius” (shortened to “Ignaz”), which was a common name in Bavaria; thus the derogatory word “Ignaz” (which itself was later shortened to “nazi”) pre- dated National Socialism. Thus a Bavarian “nazi” became a buffoon-like bumbling dimwitted yokel comic figure, who was the target of Bavarian peasant jokes. Moving ahead to the 1920’s, the political opponents of the National Socialists applied the letters “naz” (from the name “Ignaz”) with “the letters “sozi” (from the word “Nationalsozialistische”), so they expanded the meaning of the already insulting word “nazi” to also insult National Socialists; the implication being that National Socialists were backwards Neanderthals (as initially implied with Bavarian peasants).

When AH finally became Chancellor in 1933, the use of the word “nazi” decreased within Germany, but AH’s political opponents continued to use that word when describing “Nazi! Germany” and the “Nazi regime” within Germany and abroad. With this, that word spread like wildfire in Europe and abroad amongst the enemies of Germany (especially by Western Socialists whose goal was to disguise the “Socialism” aspect of “National Socialism); this later spread to Germany after World War II.

So how does this relate to the title of the article? AH was neither Bavarian, nor was he a peasant; hence, he was neither an “Ignaz” nor a “nazi”. Similarly, there is no evidence that the PEGIDA members in Dresden today are either Bavarian or peasants, thus, it is an unsubstantiated allegation to label them as either “Ignaz” or “nazi”; hence, there is no proven “Nazi Emergency” in Dresden. But more importantly, why exactly did the foreign powers-that-be (government, media, academia) from the 1930s to the present refer to the National Socialists as being “Nazis”? Answer: because they wanted to transfer blame to “right-wing Nazis” instead of blaming Left-wing National Socialists. 1


1 Western Socialists did not want to reveal their similarities to National Socialists, so the name-change from “National Socialists” to “Nazis” was a critical deception for their own survival. This was concealed from us, as we Westerners are not taught this in academia. In fact, Joseph Goebbels made the connection most evident between the various Socialist Parties: “Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight”.

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