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Orbán blames Soros for the influx of refugees

BUDAPEST. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has blamed billionaire George Soros for the renewed increase in refugee numbers on the border with his country. "The Soros network organizes migration across the Balkans," Orbán said on Friday on Kossuth Radio, according to the Budapest newspaper . If you don't see that, you have to be blind. One should not believe that "these people were blown here by the wind". "There are men of military age who are in good physical shape and have been prepared."

The organizations financed by Soros "de facto provide migration advice". And, according to Orbán, this takes the form of a "mafia-covered network" that is "financed and organized by the support of NGOs and the purchase of politicians by George Soros".

Orban: Neither women nor children
The recent rush to the Hungarian border last week showed once again that the migrants included neither women nor children, but only young men, said the head of the Hungarian government. At the same time, Orbán complained that his country had so far received too little money from the EU for border protection. After all, Hungary is also protecting Austria and Germany from the refugee influx from the Balkans.

Orbán had already accused Soros of promoting illegal immigration last year. With a poster campaign, his government attacked Jean-Claude Juncker, then President of the European Commission, in addition to the Hungarian-born US billionaire.

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