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Germany: Greens advocate easier naturalization practice

BERLIN. The Greens have asked for easier naturalization in Germany. "From now on, German citizenship should also be acquired by birth in Germany if a parent is legally habitually resident in Germany," says one request from the Greens in the Bundestag. In addition, the avoidance of multiple nationalities should be abandoned.

A so-called naturalization of claims should therefore apply to everyone "who is in possession of a residence permit or a settlement permit". The minimum length of stay required for naturalization is to be reduced from the current eight to five years and for recognized refugees to three years. "Family members of people who want to naturalize can be naturalized earlier," the Greens' initiative continues.

In order to facilitate naturalization, young people in training or university should no longer have to provide proof of their livelihood. Older people would only need it to a limited extent. The Greens demand that those who are unable to learn the German language due to illness, disability or age should no longer require language skills as a naturalization requirement.

Roth proposes citizenship for climate refugees
In addition, the party advocates "comprehensive reparation for people and their descendants", "who have not acquired German citizenship due to discrimination or persecution for political, racial or religious reasons or from whom German citizenship has been revoked". The application also provides for a study to investigate why Germany's naturalization rate is lower compared to other European countries.

Last December, Bundestag Vice President Claudia Roth (Greens) advocated giving climate refugees German citizenship. “The climate crisis is the cause of migration and flight - especially in the global south, which has contributed least to global warming. Climate protection is therefore a question of global justice,” she explained.

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