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Germany: Petition calls for an end to the gender-neutral language

„Bürgerinnen und Bürger“, „Politikerinnen und Politiker“, „Lehrerinnen und Lehrer“, „Schülerinnen und Schüler“ (Female and male versions for "Citizens", "Politicians", "Teachers", "Pupils"): The politically correct way of speaking, in which both sexes are deliberately addressed so that nobody feels discriminated, has been taking on ever widening forms for years on. In the meantime, there are forms of address such as Profex (gender-appropriate for professors) or the gender asterisk that has been spoken during a short break for people who do not feel that they belong to either sex.

Under the pretext of “gender justice”, the media, authorities, educational institutions and churches are increasingly enforcing the gender language with which an ideological re-education mandate is linked. Anne Will welcomes the President of the "Association of Steuerzahler (pause) innen" (Taxpayers) in her ARD talk show. The military officers of the past years (all men) were recently featured on the ZDF “Heute Journal” with the caption „Werbeauftragte*r“ (“advertising agent”) and moderator Claus Kleber speaks of “Künstler (pause) innen” (artists) - a verbal bow to the gender asterisk.

Back to proven German!
Junge Freiheit is now calling for an end to the linguistic gender craze. The editorial offices of the public broadcasters, authorities, educational institutions and churches should immediately refrain from "gender talk" and instead return to the tried and tested German.

We will forward the signatures of the petition to the directors of ARD and ZDF, the German Association of Cities, the Federal Minister of Education, the Chairman of the EKD and the Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference.

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