Scandal: Evo Morales accused of having love affairs with minors
The Ministry of Government began an investigation following new evidence that brought to light the pedophile pathology of former President Evo Morales, who would have had romantic and sexual relationships with several minors in the past.
Evo Morales' problems with the Bolivian justice do not end with his attempt at fraud in the last elections and in his incitement and financing of terrorism in Bolivia. Last Friday, Arturo Murillo, the Minister of Government of Jeanine Añez, opened a convincing investigation accusing Morales of having a love affair with a minor during his administration.
The controversy came to light on July 7, when the Special Forces to Fight Crime intercepted a black Nissan Patrol with a false license plate in Tiraque , a municipality east of the Cochabamba metropolitan area.
Three people were in the car: Noemí Meneses Chávez, her sister and a third. They were released after a few hours of being arrested.
Upon researching her information, a relationship between the young woman and the former President was discovered. Immediately, the Ministry of Government opened the investigation to confirm whether, indeed, Evo Morales had had a romantic relationship and / or sexual relationships with Meneses Chávez when she was a minor.
Noemí Meneses is currently 19 years old, so if the veracity of the evidence is verified, that would indicate that he was only 14 years old when their relationship began. This means that Evo Morales would have committed rape, which according to the Bolivian Penal Code, could go from 3 to 6 years in jail, regardless of aggravations.
One of the main evidence, in addition to those found in the police report that has 46 pages where you can find various photos and compromising conversations, is a video that has been disclosed by various users on different social networks, which would have been sent by Naomi to Evo Morales' personal cell phone some time ago.
The first proof of this relationship, however, was a message that Meneses sent to Evo Morales, through WhatsApp, exactly when she was detained by the Police for riding with a car with a false number plate. The message read, "We are detained at the FELCC headquarters in Quintanilla."
Faced with this message that linked the young woman with the former President, currently with an arrest warrant by the Bolivian Justice, a more in-depth investigation was carried out that revealed 348 missed calls from Morales to Noemí Meneses.
In addition, photographs of both were found in the personal premises of the President, such as the presidential residence in La Paz, in the San Jorge neighborhood, and in new palace building, "La Casa Grande del Pueblo" which was built with luxuries by order of Evo Morales.
The police investigation also reveals that the teenager recently made several trips to Mexico and Argentina, to visit Evo Morales during his political asylum. The documentation shows how the minor went to Mexico on November 22 and returned on December 2, 2019. MExico was the first country where Evo Morales hid, after resigning as President after being accused of committing electoral fraud in the presidential elections of the October 2019.
The minor also traveled twice to Argentina. The first trip was by land, on December 16, through the border that Bolivia has with Argentina in the city of Yacuíba, Tarija. The young woman remained there until February 7, 2020, when she returned to Bolivia by plane through the Jorge Wilstermann Airport, in the city of Cochabamba. It was a trip lasting a month and a half.
The third trip occurred on February 12. The teenager took off from Viru Viru Airport, in the city of Santa Cruz and returned to Bolivia on March 5, which implies that on this occasion, the teenager spent 22 days on Argentine soil.
Once inside the plane, moments before taking off, the teenager sent Evo a message on WhatsApp. “I am scared. There is a young man who looks at me a lot. He had even sat in my seat." And after four minutes she added: “In the end they have taken him away from my side. I'm going to take off ”. Three hours after landing in Bolivia, Evo called the young woman.
In the past, Evo Morales had been denounced to recognize two children he had with two different women (Eva Liz Morales Alvarado and Álvaro Morales Paredes).
Rafael Quispe, the former deputy for the Democratic Unity (UD), stated in the past that he was able to verify in the civil registry offices the birth certificate of a girl in which President Evo Morales and a young leader of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) appear as the father in Tarija, Cindy Saraí. The case draws attention because the mother, when she became pregnant and gave birth, was a minor.
He was also accused of making Noemí Barbozo Achacollo pregnant, the minor daughter of the former Minister of Economic Development, Nemesia Achacollo. Evo Morales has been questioned in different interviews and has refused to answer on all occasions.
This would be the sixth complaint that the Bolivian Prosecutor's Office admits towards Evo Morales. The complaints already admitted include: genocide, terrorism, sedition, apology for crime, criminal association and destruction or deterioration of State property and crimes against public health.
The latter also involved the candidates of Evo Morales, Luis Arce Catacora and David Choquehuanca, in addition to involving the union leader of the Bolivian Labor Union (COB), Juan Carlos Huarachi for the protests that began on Monday of last week, that have caused the death of 41 COVID-19 patients due to lack of oxygen, increased prices of various basic food products throughout western Bolivia, and the creation of the new Central of Workers and Organizations of Bolivia (CTOB) in form of rejection of the protests of the current COB.
There is no doubt that for any of these reasons, Evo Morales will fall prisoner if he ever touches Bolivian soil, his crimes cannot be hidden anymore.