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Germany: No structural right-wing extremism problem in security authorities

BERLIN. The security authorities of the federal states have investigated more than 300 right-wing extremist suspected cases in their own ranks over the past three years. According to the situation report on right-wing extremists in security authorities of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution published on Tuesday, the states recorded a total of 319 suspected cases between January 1, 2017 and March 31, 2020.

The total staff of the security authorities in the 16 countries is 275,600. The proportion of right-wing extremist suspects is 0.12 percent.

The federal security authorities (BKA, BND, federal police, customs, federal parliament police, constitution protection) also counted 58 cases. The total staff here is 108,700 security guards, which means that the proportion of right-wing extremist suspected cases is 0.05 percent. The Federal Police counted the most suspected cases at 44. For the other security authorities, the numbers have been in the single-digit range over the past three years.

The suspected cases in the federal government led to a total of 62 proceedings, 38 of which were disciplinary proceedings, 23 dismissals / non-appointments to civil servants on probation and in one case to steps under labor law.

Seehofer: Only a few cases
According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the total of 58 suspected cases consisted of two violent offenses, three propaganda offenses, two politically motivated insults and 55 unspecified “other right-wing extremist acts”. Since a suspect can commit several right-wing extremist offenses at the same time, the total number of reported violations is slightly higher than that of suspected cases.

In absolute numbers, Hessen is the state with the most right-wing extremist suspected cases. During the investigation period, 59 were reported here (with a total staff of almost 20,000 in the security authorities), followed by Berlin (53, total staff 25,500), North Rhine-Westphalia (45, total staff 51,000) and Bavaria (31, total staff 30,400).

The Military Counter-Intelligence Service (MAD) reported a total of 1,064 suspected cases for the German Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense between January 1, 2017 and April 9, 2020.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said at the presentation of the situation report that he did not see any structural problem with right-wing extremism in the German security authorities. "We are dealing with a small number of cases." More than 99 percent of the employees are "firmly on the ground of the Basic Law," he emphasized.

Source: Junge Freiheit
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