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Orbán accuses Soviet methods of the EU

BUDAPEST. Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has accused the EU of interfering too much in the national interests of the member states. In part, this is reminiscent of the times of the Soviet dictatorship. “The Central Committee in Moscow used to set ideological positions. Those who didn't stick to it were put under pressure,” Orbán told Die Welt.

EU Commissioner Věra Jourová also wanted to introduce a similar control authority with the mechanism for the rule of law, without a legal definition, without objective criteria that are valid for everyone. Member countries should be forced to implement ideologically determined policies under threat of financial sanctions."

However, his country is very sensitive to such questions, for historical reasons. “Hungary was never part of the Soviet Union, it was part of the Soviet Empire. Like Poland and the Czech Republic. We know what it is like when decisions are not made in our capital. "

"We don't want migration"
He observed the tendency in the EU Parliament and some heads of government to want to relocate more and more national competencies to Brussels. “We reject that based on historical experience. We want to be part of an alliance of strong, treaty-abiding nation states,” Orbán emphasized.

The dispute over the rule of law mechanism in the EU is not just about the separation of powers or the independence of the judiciary. In Hungary this is guaranteed by the constitution anyway. "The real dispute with the EU revolves around family and migration policy, around cultural issues." The first version of the EU Parliament's addendum to the rule of law mechanism included that it could also relate to any other topic.

“We have a bunch of documents from Brussels that say, for example, that the reception of refugees is an issue of the rule of law mechanism. But we don't want migration. The definition is arbitrary, family policy will be part of it tomorrow,” warned the head of government.

Orbán: Weber insulted the Hungarian people
Hungary is close to the border with the Islamic world and knows the consequences from historical experience. The question that Germany also had to answer is therefore: “How should the next generations live? In a Christian-Jewish culture?” The EU, however, is avoiding the answer because so-called liberal values ​​and thus multicultural forms of society are currently in fashion in Western European countries.

Orbán also expressed harsh criticism of the head of the EPP group, Manfred Weber (CSU). He visited him in Budapest two years ago. It had been agreed that Orbán would support him in the election of the Commission President. “Only two days later Weber publicly announced that he did not want to become president with the votes of Hungary. Here everyone thought: what kind of man is this? Does he think we are second class Europeans?” This behavior was an insult to the entire Hungarian people.

Source: Junge Freiheit
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