Green and Alternative Students in Austria: Safe Space for FLINT* people
Specifically, the statutes of the "Greens and Alternative Students" say:
§47 At all meetings and events of the party, a FLINT * person present can be requested to have a safe space at any time and without justification. If such a safe space is registered, all cis-men present have to leave the room for its duration.
Gras passed the statutes in February.
Only FLINT* people can become top candidates
The term “FLINT” stands for “women, lesbians, inter, non-binary and trans people”. The asterisk is part of the gender-neutral language used in German.
Die Gras hat #Gleichberechtigung nicht verstanden! D zeigt dieser Auszug ihrer eigenen Parteisatzung, in d sich d extremistische Ideologie d Partei offenbart. Wir kämpfen jedenfalls weiterhin für Gleichberechtigung, d.h. aber nicht, d manche Gruppen über andere gestellt werden!
— JUNOS Studierende (@JUNOS_Studis) April 28, 2021
Above: "Gras did not understand #equality! They show this excerpt from their own party statutes, in it the extremist ideology of the party is revealed. In any case, we continue to fight for equality, but not that some groups are placed above others!"
Another paragraph of the Gras statutes also met with incomprehension. It stipulates that only FLINT* persons are allowed to run for the green alternative students on list position 1.
Gras describes itself as a group of students committed to better study and a just world. Their vision is a climate-friendly university and society and a gender-equitable world without racism and discrimination, in which all people can live equally.
Source: Junge Freiheit