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The majority of youth prisoners in Austria are foreigners

Vienna - More than half of the prisoners in the Austrian juvenile prison system are foreigners. Of the 1,987 people arrested last year, only 891 were Austrians, according to a request from the FPÖ to the Ministry of Justice, which the news portal Exxpress reported on.

216 inmates were therefore Afghan citizens, which corresponds to a share of around eleven percent. As a result, young people in Afghanistan are significantly overrepresented in relation to their share in the total population. Several Afghans are currently suspected of drugging, abusing and killing a 13-year-old girl.

FPÖ demands deportation of foreign criminals
167 criminals arrested were Serbs, 35 were from Turkey and 22 from Poland. Most of the prisoners reportedly committed multiple offenses. 99 inmates were female.

FPÖ General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz told Exxpress that Justice Minister Alma Zadić (Greens) had to “finally wake up from her green dreamland and look the bitter reality in the eye”. It could not be "that every tenth adolescent and young adult in the Austrian youth penitentiary is an Afghan". The solution is: "Domestic perpetrators should be locked away, foreign criminals deported to their home country for detention."

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