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German integration officer: non-Ukrainians feel like second-class migrants

The federal government's integration commissioner, Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD), has warned against a disparagement of migrants who do not come from Ukraine. "I'm currently traveling a lot, and in my conversations with people seeking protection from other regions of the world, it's a big topic that they feel like second-class refugees. That must not be," demanded the social democrat on Wednesday in an interview with Die Welt.

She emphasized that there must also be simplified access for migrants from other parts of the world for residence and integration in Germany. The Iraqi-born politician praised the work of volunteers in housing Ukrainian war refugees. “Volunteering enables what the state itself cannot do: personal encounters on site, individual support and the beautiful moments of helping. This solidarity is great.” However, she called for special reception structures for disabled migrants.

According to the German Press Agency, the politician recently complained that migrants are still too often asked about their origin. "You can tell why you're being asked that," she warned. It is difficult for people with a migration background to "constantly be made aware that you don't belong here".

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