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Riots in Sweden: police cars burn, the violence is massive. Who is responsible for that? The media instigates right-wing violence. In fact, Muslim men are responsible

Have you overheard what's been going on in Malmö, Sweden over the last few days?

If you have followed the news on the public service ZDF and other German media, you probably know that there were "riots at a right-wing demonstration".

The only problem is that it's not true at all. Although there were riots, police cars set on fire and massive violence in Sweden's third largest city, these actions were not carried out by right-wing extremists, but by Muslim men who felt their religious feelings were hurt.

Reason: The right-wing party "Stram Kurs" had announced that it would burn Korans at its rallies.

Now one can criticize such an announcement and call it unnecessary provocation and tastelessness, but that does not change the fact that the headlines deliberately give the impression that rights have reduced the city to rubble, which is simply not the case was - at least as long as "Allahu Akbar" is not yet considered a battle cry of nationally oriented Swedes.

Is that deliberate deception of readers and viewers?

60 percent of Germans trust the media less than they did ten years ago. There are enough reasons for this, as this case shows again.

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