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Germany: In 2021 more deportations failed than succeeded

Last year, 16,407 deportations failed. 615 of them after being handed over to the federal police, according to a response from the federal government published on Wednesday to a request from the AfD parliamentary group. In return, 11,982 foreigners were expelled from the Federal Republic.

On December 31, 2021, almost 300,000 people who were legally obliged to leave the country were staying in Germany as of December 31, 2021. Most of them come from Iraq (32,000), Afghanistan (28,000), Nigeria (17,000), Russia (15,000) and Serbia (10,000). More than 70 percent of them have been living here for more than two years.

Traffic light coalition promised repatriation offensive
The number of deportations has been falling for years. While almost 25,000 foreigners were deported in 2016, this number dropped to around 11,000 by 2020. Since 2018, more deportations have failed than succeeded.

In its coalition agreement, the traffic light coalition had promised to start a “repatriation offensive” in which criminals and those who are dangerous would be deported from the country more quickly. According to the government, the implementation is “currently being worked on intensively”.

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