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Orbán: "Population exchange" is the suicide of the West

Budapest - Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sharply criticized the migration policies of Western EU countries. The low birth rate of Christian children will be compensated for by immigrants from other cultures by means of a “population exchange program”, he said in parliament on Monday. This is the "suicide of the West".

So far, Christianity and the nation states have held this region of Europe together. Orbán criticized that the "liberal EU" was doing away with these constants. Her vision corresponds to a world in which individual freedom is paramount, but people are decoupled from community, family and home. "Man alone can never be free, only lonely."

Brussels and Budapest have become “culturally alienated”
Western countries have committed themselves to “gender madness” and regard people as the creators of their identity, including gender and sexuality. On these points there is a "cultural alienation" between Brussels and Budapest.

Orbán stressed that his government will resist this decline as it is committed to sound order, stability and "uncompromising, unyielding loyalty" to the Hungarian people. It is important to Hungarians to leave their children and grandchildren a home that is worth preserving.

Orbán: Hungary is the future of Europe
“We will continue to defend our borders and will not allow migrants in. We will protect our families and not let gender activists into our schools," the head of government assured. "With us, a father will always be a man and a mother a woman." He will not accept any specifications that endanger this basis.

More and more people around the world saw Hungary as a fortress of freedom, order, security and peace. "Thirty years ago we thought Europe was our future, today we think Hungary is the future of Europe."

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