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The billionaire club is behind the anti-Musk campaign

An alliance of non-governmental organizations is calling on major brands to boycott Twitter if Elon Musk allows freedom of expression there. But behind the NGOs are familiar faces who share political, social and economic interests.

A media tenor goes around the world: An important social network like Twitter must not fall into the hands of a single man. Whether in Germany or the USA, the prevailing narrative is that a powerful billionaire is abusing his power to play havoc with the unleashing of freedom of expression.

This is interesting for several reasons. First of all, mainstream journalists don't lose a second when someone argues that important global aspects are threatened by influential oligarchs - then the accusation of conspiracy theory is close. And secondly, it sheds a telling light on the critics when you see who is actually behind the media campaign against Elon Musk.

Musk has become a surrogate Trump for much of the milieu exercising cultural hegemony in the West. As with Trump, the left-liberal agitators play the persecuted victims - although the media, companies and political parties that are on the opposite side exert at least a comparable influence in their concentrated mass. The left-liberals sit in the executive floors and still play the part of the rebels.

NGOs want to intimidate global brands like Coca-Cola in the fight for Twitter
A letter initiated and signed by 26 non-governmental organizations shows how massive the resistance to the Tesla boss's latest highlight is . He turns to big brands like Coca-Cola, Disney, Apple, Warner or Kraft and calls for a boycott of the platform to prevent the "hate speech" and "disinformation" that threaten Twitter once Musk is in charge and the infernal machine of free speech sets in motion. 

“As a top advertiser on Twitter (TWTR), your brand risks being associated with a platform that amplifies hate, extremism, health misinformation and conspiracy theorists. Your ad dollars can either fund Musk's vanity project or hold him accountable."

CNN acted as a multiplier by first reporting on the letter. Allies in the jihad against Elon Musk immediately classified it as a powerful attempt by independent organizations to influence "big tech" behavior. In addition, they were relieved that one of the letter's demands was not to allow banned personalities to return to Twitter. The ghost of Donald Trump still haunts America's media community at night.

Musk's public question on Twitter about who is actually behind these organizations was therefore more than justified - and he got his answer from the Daily Mail.

Clinton's and Obama's advisers target popular opposition to Musk
Because behind the supposedly independent, noble organizations hide questionable and politically biased figures. Three organizations are represented on the letterhead: Accountable Tech , Media Matters for America and Ultraviolet. Accountable Tech is run, among others, by Jesse Lehrich, a former spokesman for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and adviser to US President Barack Obama. As clear as the bias towards the Democratic Party is, the backers and financiers are unclear.

Media Matters for America was founded by leftist journalist David Brock. He is also known as a mouthpiece and activist for the Democratic Party and wrote a sympathetic biography of Hillary Clinton. Media Matters for America claims to uncover "conservative disinformation" in US media, according to the Daily Mail. Financiers are well-known left-liberal patrons, the starting capital was 2 million dollars.

Ultraviolet, meanwhile , presents itself as a women's movement that fights against sexism, demands equality and "creatively" bundles protest. In fact, the supposed women's people's movement is sponsored by the NoVo Foundation and other endowments and family funds. Behind NoVo, for example, is Peter Buffet, Warren Buffet's son. Ultraviolet 's other supporters include the billionaire Pritzker family, ranked among the top ten wealthiest families in the United States by Forbes. They own the Hyatt hotel chain, among other things.

George Soros, the Foreign Office and the charitable donations to "Access Now"
Where the organization Black Lives Matter stands, which also signed, does not need to be deepened at this point. The NGO Access Now, on the other hand, is more interesting . It is supported by George Soros' Open Society Foundation - and by a large number of European governments, including Germany. In 2021 alone, the German Foreign Office paid around 750,000 dollars for a total of four of the organization's projects.

The impression remains: It is not civil forces trying to limit the activities of overpowering companies, but the spearheads of left-liberal institutions, the Democratic Party and the social support instruments of multimillionaires are fighting their agenda against a competitor. Not from Musk, but from the latter, there is a much greater danger, since they get unquestioned media flank protection.

In reality, the battle for Twitter is a battle among the super-rich - one of whom has "done his thing". This is also strikingly reminiscent of Donald Trump. And that recently mega-billionaire Bill Gates also condemned the Twitter deal (Musk could "make the situation worse") is just another piece of the jigsaw puzzle in this chess game.

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