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Keep your children away from woke shows

By Mr. Currywurst.

This video is actually from last year, but I wanted to share it considering I wasn't aware of the level of indoctrination children are exposed to. I mean, I knew there was a lot of indoctrination, but I never watched some of the current shows. I grew up watching Warner Bros. and Disney, that is, I'm a normal person.

I wasn't stupid enough to grab a stick of dynamite and blow it up in my cat's mouth. We didn't solve conflicts by hitting the head with a hammer or painting holes in a wall for a friend to crash into. We just enjoyed the fun of those shows. That was all.

Foghorn Leghorn had good jokes about relationships and the good life. Despite being children we could understand that. He was funny. What happened with all that?

Tell me, what the hell are these idiots doing with this indoctrination crap?

If you have a child, keep him/her away from tv/Internet and just feed them the old cartoons. He or she will be a sane human being.
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