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The 711 A.D. Project

Written by John (the other John).

Here in the US, we have spent the preceding three years being dictated about the “1619 Project”, and how the US was founded in the year 1619 (as opposed to 1776). What these proponents of this theory say is that the first group of African were brought to Virginia in 1619, and thereby began the legacy of slavery, white supremacy, and systemic racism. While I can argue against the substance of this assertion, for the purposes of this article, I however will not; instead, I will demonstrate that the true beginning of the US occurred long before that.

In the year 711 A.D., the African Moors attacked and conquered the Iberian Peninsula (which is modern day Spain and Portugal). The African Moors ruled over these Europeans until the year 1492 A.D. (which was a period of 781 years of oppression, persecution, enslavement into Africa, rape of women, child theft, etc…; this also pre-dates the year 1619 A.D. by 908 years). During this time period, the African Moors tried to conquer further into Europe, only to be held back by Charles Martel in 732 A.D.; but what is key on this point is that this only stopped the further advancement into Europe, but the African Moors still held parts of the Iberian Peninsula until 1492 A.D.

Elsewhere during this same time period, Eastern and Central Europe also were attacked and conquered by Mongol invaders in the 1220s A.D., and then Europe was later attacked and conquered by the Ottomans beginning in the 1400s (and to this very day they control Constantinople [a Greek city and Capital]). With these latter events also came the murder of millions of people, the enslavement of Europeans into Asia and Africa, and the rape of women.

After the African Moors were completely removed from Europe in the year 1492 A.D., the Spanish Europeans had Columbus make the journey to the West also in 1492 A.D. (This is no coincidence that it occurred the same year).

(As a side note, even after the removal of the African Moors in 1492, the enslavement of an estimated 4 million Europeans in the Barbary Slave Trade and the Slavic Slave Trade into Africa and Asia occurred after 1492 through the late 1800s).

So the main point being is that Europeans (i.e., “white people) being enslaved into Africa (beginning in 711 A.D.) pre-dates Africans being enslaved in the land of the modern day USA (in 1619 A.D. [1]) by 908 years. And from whom did the Europeans learn about the African Slave Trade? From African Moors of course. And why did the Europeans seek riches in the West?

One of the many reasons included to gain wealth so to be able to build a strong military to protect themselves from North African invaders.

Segway to the main point of this article, when was the founding of the US? Arguably, it was in 711 A.D. when the Europeans were first conquered, persecuted, and enslaved by Africans by a systematic set of laws that treated the Europeans as inferior beings subject to being dominated by these Africans (which the effects of this lasted for nearly 1,200 years). And of course the European victims learned these traits from their oppressors, who in turn inflicted the same suffering to others when given the opportunity. So is this mere “proximate cause” to the US’s founding, or is it a “direct causal link”?

Hence, “The 711 A.D. Project”. I am awaiting for public schools and for Universities to mbegin teaching this.


1. These Africans in 1619 were not “slaves”, rather they were brought to Virginia unsolicited by English pirates. Upon their arrival, their status became “indentured servants” (the same status held by many Europeans as well), of which some of these original Africans from 1619 later became free. But this point is not central to this here article.
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