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More "enrichment": almost 50,000 recognized refugees in Greece travel to Germany

Berlin – Almost 50,000 people seeking protection recognized in Greece traveled to Germany to submit another application for asylum in the EU to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

This is reported by the newspapers of the Funke media group, citing information from the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Accordingly, by the end of May, a total of 48,756 persons already recognized as entitled to protection in Greece had submitted another application for asylum in Germany.

These asylum applications were put on hold by the BAMF for a few months and were “reprioritised”. In the meantime, the Federal Office has decided on some of these cases of irregular secondary migration. "A total of 7,943 asylum decisions were made regarding persons already recognized as being entitled to protection in Greece," according to the ministry.

Almost 41,000 procedures are still pending at the BAMF. According to the information, almost all those already entitled to protection in Greece will receive a new protection title in Germany. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the protection rate for these first almost 8,000 decided cases is 89 percent. Meanwhile, according to the federal government, the refugee camps on the Greek islands are emptying.

Just under two years ago, tens of thousands of people lived in tents, wooden huts or containers in overcrowded camps, for example on the island of Lesbos. According to the Ministry of the Interior, there are currently a good 2,000 refugees in the asylum accommodation and camps on the islands of the East Aegean. According to EU law, those seeking protection who have already been recognized in Greece may travel to another EU country for up to 90 days.

However, it is not permitted to apply again for asylum in another EU country. The security authorities speak of "irregular secondary migration".

The interior expert of the Union faction in the Bundestag, Alexander Throm (CDU), sharply criticized the federal government: "Secondary migration from Greece is a very serious problem in asylum policy," he said. "But 'the traffic light' government is doing absolutely nothing to prevent entry and the actually inadmissible, double application for asylum in Germany."

The pressure on Greece must be increased so that the country “provides adequate social standards itself”. “If financial support does not help, then it must be legally prevented. Then, on the initiative of Germany and other affected countries, visa-free travel in Europe for recognized refugees must be restricted.”

The Federal Ministry of the Interior pointed out that the "reduction of irregular secondary migration in the EU" was its "explicit goal". At the same time, a spokesman for the ministry said that every European member state has a duty to ensure compliance with European requirements. Other member states would rely on it. "It is up to the European Commission, as 'Guardian of the Treaties', to ensure compliance with EU law," the ministry said.

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