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One Article, Two Titles: Extinction Rebellion: How Gay $€x Can End Life on Earth; Gay $€x Does Not Create Offspring

Written by John (the other John).

Today in the West, the political zeitgeist encourages (to the point of mandating) that people engage in gay $€x. My thought is “to each his/her own” as a voluntary act (as opposed to coercion), but beyond the issue of individual choice, the larger question is whether this is a public good. So to analyze this, if gay $€x is so great, then let us take this to its logical extreme and discuss this from the perspective for all humans and for all animals.

Starting with animals, if gay $€x were to be mandated/encouraged for (for example) farm animals (ex,, cows, pigs, chickens, lamb), then there would be no/minimal reproduction of offspring for them; hence, a removal of a major food source for humans. Imagine a world without hamburgers, or steak, or schnitzel, or pork chops, lamb chops, chicken, etc...; could we grow enough fruits and vegetables to feed 8 billion people? No, we would starve.

The same applies to household pets and zoo animals. If gay $€x was the mandate, (hence, no further reproduction of these animals) then imagine a world with no furry friends of ours.

Segway, gay $€x for humans. With no further reproduction for humans, then the supply of humans would cease. But then I think, this gay $€x crap is forced upon us Westerners (one of the most productive Civilizations in human history), but it never seems to be forced upon non-Westerners (who include lesser productive Civilizations in human history). So is this an orchestrated effort to eliminate us Westerners? Then I think to myself that abortion is forced upon us Westerners too, but never upon non-Westerners. As is the trafficking of illiterate

unemployable alien people with manufactured fake grievances who are forced upon the West, but never forced upon non-Western nations. So at that point, it is clear what the motivation is by those who force this deviant perversion upon us.

That being said, a true movement for Extinction Rebellion is to oppose gay $€x as a public mandate (as opposed to these idiots in London who disrupt transport, yet who likely are gay themselves who are extincting humanity).

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