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Germany: ARD chairman wants diverse positions in the program

The new ARD chairman Kai Gniffke has announced that he intends to strengthen the variety of positions offered by the stations.

Schwerin - Gniffke told the Schweriner Volkszeitung (Saturday edition), "whenever we have the impression that people feel overlooked, then it is our job to give these people a face and a voice". Giving voice to diversity in Germany is at the heart of the public service mandate, according to Gniffke. "This applies in particular to the regions in East Germany."

The ARD chairman practiced self-criticism at times overreaching instructions by journalists in his house. "Perhaps we can do better, even 30 years after unity, to better understand and reflect the differences in the perception of reality that still exist, without raising the suspicion that we want to educate people." People are smart enough to form their own opinions.

"No one has to help," said Gniffke.

Photo: dpa/Marijan Murat
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