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The Final Frontier for Gaining Power: Transvestites

The trans issue is the “final frontier” for the woke elites in their primary goal of obtaining complete power and maintaining it (as opposed to the lie that woke elites actually care for the well-being of trans people)1. A major feature of this process is for them to dictate to us what we must think (regardless how absurd the thought may be), which is accomplished by means of both mental warfare AND by threats of violence and of financial ruin. 


The threats of violence is simple to analyze, by them weaponizing mentally deranged people with both legal exemptions and with accolades for committing violence upon law-abiding non-believers. The threats of financial ruin are also self-explanatory, in that those who control all the systems and levers of society can ruin somebody financially and socially for wrongthink. But the more sinister and strategic tool is the use of mental warfare in academia and culture by them weaponizing both the mentally insane and the innocent-minded people (ex. the youth and elderly) to convince them to believe in absurdities (such as gender fluidity), thereby an intelligent young person may soon be indoctrinated to believe that gender is a choice (and that 2 + 2 = 5); and once people are convinced of absurdities, then they are open to commit atrocities. (And btw, today’s youth will be tomorrow’s voting majority). So in essence, they convince both the insane and the youth the lie that they are their own sovereign over themselves; stated differently, they are taught that the universal focus is on their own theology, their own biology, and their own vanity. (Again, the elites know this is untrue, but they espouse these views so to dumb-down the population AND to make them violent against Conservatives; all in the goal of them gaining power over the law-abiding majority by us becoming so dumbfounded over this lunacy, that we lose the will to fight [thus we surrender]).


But instead of us acknowledging this wicked reality of warfare/lawfare by our billionaire enemies, we prefer to debate Leftists with facts, logic, evidence, and reason. This attempt, however, only displays our amateurishness on this topic because: 


1) it is dangerous to do so because this is a mere trap by them tricking us to reveal our inner thoughts about our opposition to their lunacy (ex. the Hundred Flowers Campaign was a ploy to “out” people for their opposing views), which can only lead to them eliminating/extincting us, and

2) it is pointless because they have no intention to debate us on the merits of any topic.

After all, power does not derive by prevailing in the “marketplace of ideas”, but rather power comes from forcibly imposing one’s own views/beliefs upon unwilling people; and academia has a captive audience for this brainwashing. Ultimately, ALL morality/laws/ethics require enforcement by the use/threat of force, thus there needs to be a willingness and ability to crush one’s adversaries (both real and imagined). Don’t believe me? When was the last time a Conservative won a political issue in the “marketplace of ideas? Religion in government? Religion in schools? Immigration? National debt? Race? Gay marriage? Crime? All of these were grand losses despite us being on the correct side of the argument.

The problem is that when people’s belief systems are polar opposite (ex., cannibalism is wrong vs. cannibalism is right), debate is pointless; these issues can only be resolved through the use of force upon one’s adversary.2 The problem though is that Conservatives lack the will to enforce their morality upon others, nor to mock their enemies. Trump adapted to the dirty fighting style of wokeists, which was pure blasphemy (and cultural appropriation) to the wokeists because he was not one of them (plus, they had a historical monopoly on dirty-play). In their minds, it is wokeists who decide who is an acceptable adversary and who is not, and Trump was not acceptable because he fought dirty like them. Romney and Bush (on the other hand) are acceptable because they bow to wokeism.

The current civilizational struggle is not one that can be debated civilly because we have fundamental distinct/clashing theological and biological visions of humans (i.e., our biology, our relations with fellow humans, the State, and with God). For example: 


  • God made people as either man or woman vs. it is a fluid choice that can be altered at-will (hence, it is contemptible bigotry to deny a person their own subjective sense of reality [“your truth”]; which actually is objectively false)
  • Be kind to others vs. forcibly impose one’s will upon others
  • Limited government vs. unlimited government
  • God is creator and all powerful vs. each individual is their own god.


Frighteningly, during the Civil War, the biggest differences were slavery AND federal powers versus State powers; today, our differences are far deeper, in that those differences relate to our very creation and existence.


No doubt, it is time for a national divorce; dissolution of the Union; reclaim our founding principles.

1 If they truly cared for the well-being of people who think that they are trans, they would help them to get proper mental healthcare treatment (instead of labeling “healthcare” as amputating healthy body parts).

2 What kind of compromise can be done here; “no cannibalism on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s, but you can on the other days”?


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