Murderers and child molesters: German Green youth against any deportation
Berlin - The new chairwomen of the Green Youth, Svenja Appuhn and Katharina Stolla, have called for all deportations to end immediately. “Deportations traumatize people, they are not a solution,” said Stolla in an interview with Der Spiegel.
When asked whether they were against a general ban on deportations, Stolla replied: “Yes. I find it absurd to decide where a person can live. Nobody just flees like that.” This would also mean that the repatriation of murderers, rapists and child molesters would no longer be possible. Appuhn answered the question with: “What have we all done to live here now? Nothing. This is pure coincidence.”
Stolla emphasized that states have no right to determine who is in the country. “But at the moment there is no realistic question of whether we should abolish the nation state and all borders. Now the question arises as to what the rights of refugees are.”
No unreasonable demands on asylum seekers
The two also didn't want to know anything about a migration crisis caused by too much immigration to Germany. “The reality is: people die while fleeing. It is a real problem that people do not move freely in the country, that they are not allowed to work, that they live in traumatizing mass accommodation." Stolla also complained that "refugee accommodation is constantly burning" and that the helpers on site are left alone. “No refugee should be subjected to this burden.”
The two federal chairmen also spoke out in favor of the expropriation of housing companies so that more social housing could be built. Both also describe themselves as “socialists”. Stolla and Appuhn were elected a week ago with 93 and 86.5 percent of the vote, respectively. The incumbents Timon Dzienus and Sarah-Lee Heinrich were not allowed to run again after two years in office.
Source: Junge Freiheit