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Mass brawls in the Berlin migrant center

5,000 migrants live in the Berlin arrival center at Tegel Airport. Now there have been two mass brawls. The Social Senator downplays the violence: “Isolated case!”

Berlin - It is the second mass brawl in the so-called “arrival center” in Berlin-Tegel in two days: First, 100 Syrians and Turks attacked each other on Monday morning. Knives were also involved. A day later, 300 men beat each other up.

Berlin politicians are trying to downplay the events. In the House of Representatives, Social Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) only wanted to confirm the first fight: it was an “isolated case”. The groups were separated.

That sounds more harmless than it was. Because men had pushed forward to serve food, there were initially verbal arguments between the Turkish Kurds and the Syrians. Early in the morning at 1:45 a.m., the migrants argued about music that was too loud.

Migrants shout “Allahu Akbar”
After the police had initially calmed down the situation, the situation escalated again at 4 a.m. 100 men attacked each other, some armed with knives. Many shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greater”). This time 100 police officers had to break up the fight.

On Tuesday night, a 36-year-old man injured a 19-year-old roommate. Now 300 men attacked each other. Members of the security service deployed in Tegel also fell victim to the attacks.

Senator Gizeltepe said security personnel would now be trained in de-escalation strategies. 5,000 migrants now live in the Berlin arrival center at the former Tegel Airport.

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