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Islamization in Austria: Daycare staff must cover themselves in order not to bother Muslim fathers

In a kindergarten in Vienna, employees will in future be required to cover themselves with clothing so that Muslim fathers do not feel harassed.

To ensure that the children's Muslim fathers do not feel harassed, employees at a kindergarten in Penzing (Vienna) are only allowed to wear closed clothing. According to the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, the head of the kindergarten in the Vienna district has instructed her employees not to wear open clothing anymore. Shorter skirts, shirts or blouses are no longer welcome. The reason? Muslim fathers who pick up their children should not feel harassed by the sight of women.

When asked by the Kronen Zeitung, the responsible authority, Municipal Department 10, explained that the City of Vienna has no such requirement regarding closed clothing. It was therefore an individual decision for the kindergarten. At the same time, they announced that they would review the matter again within the authority. "If necessary, we will take further steps here if necessary," the statement continued. Further inquiries about how the city will proceed with the head of the kindergarten were no longer welcome, with reference to the fact that the matter was classified. "I cannot give you any information about conversations with or between employees," the municipal department told the Kronen Zeitung.

City Councillor for Education Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS party) reacted very critically to the events. Religious dress codes in Viennese public institutions are "unacceptable because they are not compatible with the values ​​of a liberal democracy," Wiederkehr told the Kronen Zeitung . The FPÖ also reacted sharply, as expected. According to regional party chairman Dominik Nepp, such events "must be clearly stopped. Such Islamist parents have no place in this city and should return to their Islamic homeland." Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) and City Councillor Wiederkehr should set consequences for those parents who were ordered to wear the dress code. Criticism also came from the ÖVP.

In the European elections, the district in which the kindergarten is located voted strongly left-leaning. The strongest force was the social democratic SPÖ with almost 30 percent, ahead of the Greens with 19 percent.

Source: Apollo News
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