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German refugee organizations demand: "Green light for admission!"

Berlin - Refugee organizations advertised on Sunday with a sea of ​​green lights in front of the Reichstag in Berlin to accept border migrants from Belarus. “We have space! In particular, we want to say to the traffic light: Create humanitarian corridors, take responsibility and finally accept people,” the Seebrücke organization appealed to the upcoming traffic light coalition made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP on its website.

The initiative calls for green lights to be set up throughout Germany during the Advent season to express solidarity with the migrants. The model for the action are residents in the Polish border area, who use green lights to show immigrants where they can get food and clothing.

According to RBB, around 6,000 lights were lit in Berlin during the action. On Twitter, supporters shared pictures of similar actions and demonstrations for the reception of the border migrants.

Poland stopped migrants
The reason for the initiative of the refugee organizations is the conflict that has been going on for weeks over illegal migrants who were brought to the eastern border of the EU by Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko. From there they tried repeatedly by force to enter Poland. Polish security forces were able to prevent them from doing so by throwing water, among other actions.

Last year, several organizations including Seebrücke and the refugee captain Carola Rackete promoted the acceptance of immigrants in Germany under the slogan “We have space”. At that time, migrants should be brought from Greece.

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