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Uncle Tyrone’s Crib

Written by John (the other John).

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was/is a classic story written in 1852 about the life of a former slave named Josiah Henson. Amongst his many accomplishments, he escaped slavery, he became a spiritual leader, he became a landowner, he traveled to Britain, and he met Queen Victoria twice. Simply put, Henson was an amazing person, and truly a hero to many people in the abolitionist movement. Despite this, the racists would not acknowledge this, so they decided to create revisionist history on the character Uncle Tom, so they started performing traveling minstrel shows in which white people dressed in black-face lampooned black people as being ignorant and happily subservient to white people (his master). Without getting to deep into the minstrel shows, the point being for this article is that neither Josiah Henson nor the character Uncle Tom in the novel had any of the clownish characteristics of the minstrel Uncle Tom when these shows were parodying and being condescending to black people; yet this is the everlasting mythical (yet false) depiction of Uncle Tom, as being a sell-out.[1]

How this is relevant today is that something similar is occurring today in which a real life hero is lampooned as a caricature of an entire group of people; only this time, instead of it mimicking black people, today, it is mimicking white people. The hero in question is Donald Trump, but despite this, the racists would not acknowledge this, so instead of him being portrayed as brave and successful, the traveling minstrel show today has Joe Biden (representing all white people) playing the role of the honkey who is excessively obedient and subservient to black people (ex., Obama, BLM, Harris, Sharpton, etc…); essentially, Biden is the laughable house-honkey who is forgetful and who continuously falls down, and who follows the commands of his black masters. Biden sees himself as an apologist for all white people by him being of lower class status merely due to his race, so he betrays his own group of people by actively participating in the oppression of other white people; he is a sell-out. Essentially, he is an “Uncle Tyrone”, and his role in this minstrel show is to infect all white people with the “Uncle Tyrone Syndrome”, in which white people will be subservient and will appease black people to cope with intimidation and threats.

So once again, history repeats itself in an ugly bigoted fashion; from the minstrel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” that cruelly and falsely satirizes blacks, to the present day minstrel “Uncle Tyrone’s Crib” that now cruelly and falsely satirizes whites.[2] But the one common link here is that those encouraging this ridicule are hateful people.

1. I am unable to time-travel and “step in the shoes” of people from 100-150 years ago, but based on 2022 standards, this was very cruel.
2. Just watch any TV show or advertisement in the US; the white guy generally plays the bumbling fool.
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